Monday, November 07, 2005


Emirates airlines

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Nov 7, 2005 4:06 PM
Subject: Emirates airlines
To: "" <>

Hi Jawad,

Not sure if you are still working on the Emirates comments website.
Unfortunatley they haven't changed much, my luggage got delayed and they
(Emirates Delhi customer care) haven't paid me after 45 days and are again
asking for documents which they earlier acknowledged they have received. The
worst example which I beleive no airlines has ever done before but they managed
to do: is cancel my return reservation (I have the documentation with me) on
return flight, I am now going to start interacting with their UK customer
service, well my belief say they are no different than their Delhi

If you can post this message I would be extremely greatful.


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